PAA’s New Term Commences as Mr. Ahmed Kapadia Assumes Role of Newly Elected Chairman – Startup Pakistan

The Pakistan Advertising Association (PAA) on Tuesday elected the new central executive committee (CEC) during its 9th Annual General Meeting (AGM). The committee delegation at the AGM headed by Mr. Jamil Syed, Executive Director (PAA) announced Mr. Ahmed Kapadia, Chairman Synergy Group as its elected Chairman for the new term (2024-2026), alongside Ameer ul Azeem (Future Vision), as Sr. Vice Chairman, Zeeshan Khan (TNI Communications) as Vice Chairman, and Wasiq Ali Khan (Manhill Advertising) as Secretary Finance.
The new CEC includes prominent advertising professionals featuring Aleem Durrani (Media Pulse) as Chairman for Zone “A”, Shabbir Malik (Adage Communications), Chairman of Zone “B”, Rizwan Ashraf (Velocity Marketing), Chairman for Zone “C”, whereas Imran Irshad (M&C Saatchi World Services Pakistan), Bilal Tanveer (Maxim Advertising), Mahmood Parekh (MCM Advertising), Salman Mansoor (Uptick Ventures), Ms. Seema Jaffer(Bond Advertising), Ms. Neesha Dara Khan (Manhattan International) and Omar Ahmed (Spectrum Communications) will serve as members of the newly elected CEC.
However, being a prime choice to lead the helm of PAA as Chairman, Mr. Ahmed Kapadia – the Chairman of Synergy Group (A leading enterprise in Pakistan’s vibrant advertising and media industry) brings with himself a wealth of experience and a deep passion for advertising to his new role. As a prominent figure within the advertising industry of Pakistan, Mr. Ahmed Kapadia has also recently won the coveted title of ‘Dragon Master’ by the Dragons of Pakistan Awards 2024.
As part of his distinguished approach, the newly elected PAA Chairman, Mr. Ahmed Kapadia stressed upon the importance of PAA memberships for all agencies and ensured that mandatory policies will be implemented in future to make it essential for all relevant authorities to acquire the membership and registering with PAA. In his conclusive remarks, he extended his heartfelt thanks to the outgoing Chairman of PAA – Syed Jawaid Iqbal for his tireless efforts over the years, acknowledging the significant milestones achieved under his leadership.
On this occasion, the outgoing Chairman of the PAA, Syed Jawaid Iqbal (CMC Pvt. Ltd.), expressed confidence in Mr. Kapadia’s leadership, stating that his highly competitive performance will ensure continued growth and progress for every advertising company across the nation, and wished the new CEC led by Ahmed Kapadia, all the best of luck in future endeavors of PAA.
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