How To Write A Super Resume In 2020

Mike Dick -
July 8, 2020 -
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How to write a super resume in 2020? This was and it still is a difficult year with the effects of Covid-19. Probably 2021 will be a hard year too. Many of us have to look for a new job and for that a super resume can make wonders.
Many businesses collapsed during the Covid-19 lockdown, and many of us lost our jobs and the monthly income. In my network, there are many friends that closed their restaurants, clubs, bars, car washes, a real estate agency, and even more. We have to be strong and adapt to this crazy worldwide situation.
Going back to a super resume, why is it so important? Isn’t enough to write everything we did in our professional lives? We write as much as possible to explain what we did at every company we worked for, we put a picture, our phone number, and boom, we are hired for a super salary.
Sorry to say, but usually it is very different than this. For every job, bad or excellent, there are tens, hundreds, or even thousands of persons that send their resumes. Most of them are not read and they are just deleted or ignored. I have many friends that work as HR specialists or managers, and they told me that they don’t have the time to carefully inspect and see every CV they receive. Sometimes there are thousands and it is impossible to read them all. They need to hire a person asap and the company cannot afford to spend weeks or months to see every CV and every person that applied for the job.
So, what can you do to maximize your chances? A super resume is my solution, but it is not magical, some things need to happen so it can work. Even with a super resume, you might be ignored.
The super resume work, if:
• If the HR specialist is seeing it. You have to be a bit lucky so they will pick it for inspection.
Here I will share a tip with you. Don’t just apply via job boards, make a little research, and try to find out the email of the HR specialist so you can send him also a direct message. You will have much bigger chances to obtain a call or a meeting, or at least your resume to be read.
• Your work experience, age, and location, are a good fit for the job.
• Sometimes you will compete with a star in your industry. In this situation, the super resume will not work. It happened to me 2 times. Just imagine that you fight with Michael Jordan (the famous basketball player) for a place in a basketball team. You are good, but he is God.
How to write a super resume in 2020
These recommendations that you will find below are my ideas and tips from some of the best HR specialists and managers in the world (people that work at huge brands, sorry but I am not allowed to say more ).
- Don’t get a template from the web. It’s true, the internet is filled with all kinds of creative, some being super nice, resume templates.
But you don’t want to have the same resume with somebody else, right?
Don’t use job board templates. If you apply via job boards, try also to contact the employer directly with your own resume.
Pay a designer to create a unique resume design based on your recommendations. He will probably search the internet for inspiring models and copy parts from many of them. You don’t need that, you want a 100% original resume.
Write only what really matters. If you worked only 2 months for a company and you left because you didn’t like something, don’t put this info in your resume, it says nothing about you.
Put in your resume real situations in which you did something very nice. Explain how you helped each company or customer (if you are a freelancer), why people like to work with you (both customers and colleagues), etc.
Ask a professional photograph to make a business photo for your resume. Use this photo also on your LinkedIn account.
Put your contacts details – phone number, home address, and email address.
If you don’t have a nice email address, make one. Don’t use weird email addresses.
Keep your resume short, but don’t cut what’s important.
Write about your hobbies but not a line like this: Hobbies – motorcycles, bonsai, and books.
Explain a bit, maybe put a picture of you doing that hobby.
Don’t rush your resume. Take your time to build it right. You do it once, and you have it at least 10 years (don’t forget to change your photo, people want to see how you look now, not years ago).
The font you will use is super important. Ask the designer to show your resume in 5 different fonts so you can see the differences.
Pick a font that is easy to read.
If you like to identify fonts from other resumes, from pictures, or directly from the web, use WhatFontIs, the best font finder on the web. And it is free.
These 10 tips and suggestions will help show you how to write a super resume in 2020. It is not hard at all to do it right; it is only common sense.
Using a professional photographer and a top designer will help you get your dream job. You will pay probably $100-$200 for these 2 services, in total, but you will earn thousands of dollars. Think about it. Make the next step that most people don’t when creating their resumes.
I strongly suggest you take your time right now and create your super resume in 2020. The competition is huge and you need to make every move right:
To have a super resume
To contact the employer directly
To use a great font recommended by the designer or identified by you with WhatFontIs
To use professional services for your super resume (a photographer and a designer)
The last tip: don’t share your resume design with others, at one point, somebody will copy it.
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