Engineer Harnesses Sunlight to Make Saltwater Drinkable in Gaza – Startup Pakistan

In Ga_za, an innovative agricultural engineer named Inas al-Ghul has designed a solar-powered water filter that transforms saltwater into clean, drinkable water. This invention is particularly important given the region’s scarcity of fresh water.
Inas constructed the device using simple, accessible materials such as wood and glass, making it a practical solution for communities in need. The filter works by harnessing the power of the sun. Solar energy heats the saltwater, causing it to evaporate.
The evaporated water then condenses into distilled water, effectively removing the salt. But the process doesn’t stop there. To make sure the water is as pure as possible, it undergoes an additional purification step with activated charcoal, which further cleans it by removing any remaining impurities.
This clever design not only addresses the water crisis but also does so in an environmentally friendly way, using renewable energy and materials that are easy to find.
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