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Budget review: Taxing the taxed … again – Pakistan

At a time when real capital is stranded in unproductive segments like real estate, losing intellectual capital through excessive taxation measures is akin to killing the goose for the golden egg.

The taxed are being taxed again, just like they were taxed last year, and the year before that, and so on. The untaxed remain untaxed, but they get a slight pat on the wrist for being untaxed; the pat being a slight increase in withholding taxes — which effectively increases the cost of doing business.

With the expected real GDP growth rate at around 3.6 per cent, the budget is anything but aggressive and avoids bold initiatives — it can hence be deemed cautious in its approach. What it does is that it continues to deepen the existing taxpayer base while making little effort to expand the tax net to include entities and individuals currently outside it. Although Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb’s speech clearly articulated the need to transition from a consumption-oriented economy to an investment-oriented one, it did little to explain how this transition will be achieved.

blocking mobile phone SIMs of individuals who fail to file taxes have further discouraged compliance.

Simply put, the tax policy design is flawed, as seen in the budget. Withholding taxes for non-filers increases the cost of doing business without significantly improving compliance or tax collections.

The majority of taxes continue to be paid by the usual contributors — corporations in the formal system, salaried individuals, and indirect taxes like the Petroleum Development Levy. An ever-increasing reliance on consumption-based indirect taxes disproportionately affects vulnerable households compared to affluent ones.

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