
Origins of Superconductivity in High-Temperature Cuprates

Superconductor Superconduction Technology

A recent study led by researchers from Okayama University has uncovered new insights into high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates, revealing that uniaxial strain can induce a long-range charge density wave order, thereby providing valuable information for the development of more efficient superconducting materials. Credit:

Researchers have discovered strain-induced long-range charge-density-wave order in a high-temperature superconductor, illuminating the underlying mechanisms.

Superconductors are materials capable of conducting electricity without any resistance when they are cooled below a specific temperature known as the critical temperature. These materials are used in various applications such as power grids, maglev trains, and medical imaging equipment. High-temperature superconductors, which operate at higher critical temperatures than conventional superconductors, hold great promise for enhancing these technologies. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms of their superconductivity are not yet fully understood.

Copper oxides or cuprates, a class of high-temperature superconductors, exhibit superconductivity when electrons and holes (vacant spaces left behind by electrons) are introduced into their crystal structure through a process called doping. Interestingly, in the low-doped state, with less-than-optimal electrons required for superconductivity, a pseudogap ­­–a partial gap in the electronic structure– opens. This pseudogap is considered a potential factor in the origin of superconductivity in these materials.

Long Range Charge Density Wave Order Induced by Strain in Optimally Doped Bi2Sr2 xLaxCuO6+δ Superconductor

a. The results show that superconductivity (SC) and long-range CDW can coexist while increasing strain suppresses superconductivity and enhances CDW order. b. At a strain of 0.15%, short-range CDW order transitions into long-range CDW order. Credit: Shinji Kawasaki from Okayama University

Additionally, previous studies have revealed a long-range charge density wave (CDW) order, in the low-doped regime of cuprates that breaks the crystal symmetry of the copper oxide (CuO2) plane. CDW is a repeating wave-like pattern of electrons that affects the material’s conductivity. This symmetry breaking is significant as superconductivity has been known to arise inside or near symmetry-broken states. Moreover, in the bismuth-based cuprate superconductor, Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+δ (Bi2201), it has been shown that strong magnetic fields can induce a long-range symmetry-breaking CDW order. Despite extensive research, the exact role of these phenomena in the occurrence of superconductivity in cuprates is still not known.

In a new study, a team of researchers led by Associate Professor Shinji Kawasaki from the Department of Physics at Okayama University, Japan investigated the origin of high-temperature superconductivity in the pseudogap state of cuprates using a novel approach. Prof. Kawasaki explains, “In this study, we have discovered the existence of a long-range CDW order in the optimally doped Bi2201, induced by tensile-compressive strain applied by a novel piezo-driven uniaxial strain cell, which deliberately breaks crystal symmetry of the CuO2 plane.” Their findings were published in the journal Nature Communications on June 14, 2024. The team included Ms. Nao Tsukuda and Professor Guo-qing Zheng, also from Okayama University, and Dr. Chengtian Lin from Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Germany.

Discoveries and Implications

The researchers used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique to observe the changes in the electronic structure of the optimally doped Bi2201 superconductor as uniaxial compressive and tensile strains were applied to the material. The results revealed that when the strain exceeded 0.15%, the material underwent a significant transformation, with the short-range CDW order transitioning into a long-range CDW order. Furthermore, increasing strain suppressed superconductivity while enhancing CDW order, indicating that both superconductivity and long-range CDW can coexist. These results suggest that a hidden long-range CDW order, not limited to the low-doped regime, exists in the pseudogap state of cuprates, which becomes apparent under strain.

“This finding challenges the conventional belief that magnetism is the primary driver in copper oxides and provides valuable insights for constructing theoretical models of superconductivity, “remarks Prof. Kawasaki. Highlighting the potential applications of this study, he adds, “The findings of this study hold immense promise for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of high-temperature superconductivity, paving the way for the development of more practical superconducting materials. High-temperature superconductors hold great potential for lossless power transmission and storage, contributing significantly to energy conservation and the pursuit of carbon neutrality. Furthermore, the application of superconductors in MRI technology has the potential to reduce costs and make advanced medical imaging more accessible.”

Overall, this study marks a significant step towards understanding the origin of high-temperature superconductivity, highlighting the importance of uniaxial strain as a valuable tool for understanding superconductivity in other similar superconductors.

Reference: “Strain-induced long-range charge-density wave order in the optimally doped Bi2Sr2−xLaxCuO6 superconductor” by Shinji Kawasaki, Nao Tsukuda, Chengtian Lin and Guo-qing Zheng, 14 June 2024, Nature Communications.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49225-w

The study was funded by JSPS KAKENHI, and the Murata Science and Education Foundation (S.K.).

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